VIDEO 3: Time and Love
Hey ya'll! Today I talk about what no one wants to talk about on the internet: my latest love life fail. As I state in the video, I have...

VIDEO 3: Happy Endings & Mental Illness
Hey fam! Welcome to Week 3 of Imperfection, in which we talk about the myth of happy endings. While I do believe it's possible to...

VIDEO 1: Beautifully Imperfect
Welcome to month 2 of A+ Life! As we talked about last week, this month we're focusing on Imperfection, and today we'll be starting with...

VIDEO 3: Forming Healthy Friendships
Welcome back! For the final chapter of our Relationship series, we're discussing how to form and maintain healthy friendships. For teens,...

VIDEO 2: The Benefits of Being Single
Welcome back to A+ Life! Today we continue our discussion about relationships by talking about the benefits of being single. In the...

Beginnings are hard. I think things are most fragile when they're just starting out--humans, relationships, new businesses, big...