VIDEO 3: Honesty in Empowerment
Hey ya'll! Sorry for posting a day late, you'll see why in the video! This week we're talking about how being boldly truthful can be a...

VIDEO 2: Kindness In Honesty
Hola! (You'll see why this greeting makes sense in the video.) This week we tackle the subject of kindness in honesty. Social media has...

VIDEO 1: The Truth Will Set You Free
I AM ALIVE! I am so sorry for not posting last week! I should make no excuses, but it was finals week and I was moving into my first...
MAY 2017: Honesty
Why do we lie? Over the last semester, I have taken a class in conflict resolution at my university. In the class, we’ve taken an...

VIDEO 3: Time and Love
Hey ya'll! Today I talk about what no one wants to talk about on the internet: my latest love life fail. As I state in the video, I have...

VIDEO 2: Managing Time
Hey ya'll! This week we continue talking about time with exploring strategies for time management. Although I am by no means a...

VIDEO 1: Time & Anxiety
Hey ya'll! Time for the first video of month 3! As we mentioned last week, this month is all about time--how we manage it, use it, and...
Welcome to month 3 of A+ Life! This month, we’re focusing on a topic that’s both abstract and definite, endless and scarce, healing and...

BONUS VIDEO: Women and Double Standards
Hey fam! This week you get a bonus video in which I have a bad hair day and no lipstick! But that's okay, CUZ IMPERFECTION AMIRITE?! This...

VIDEO 3: Happy Endings & Mental Illness
Hey fam! Welcome to Week 3 of Imperfection, in which we talk about the myth of happy endings. While I do believe it's possible to...